• Introduction

    In addition to my TV, Film and Spokesperson work, I am a very successful Lifestyle Model. I have appeared in print campaigns for Ford, Home Depot, Disney Resorts, Rodale's Scuba Magazine, Casio Watches, Audi International, Visit Florida, Minto Homes, Bayliner Yachts, Wedding Pages Magazine, and Wyndham Resorts along many other wonderful clients.

    I entered my first, and only, Beauty Pageant at the suggestion of one of my agents, where I was a finalist and won most photogenic. Not bad for no prep time or experience! I learned a lot about this "sport" and the passionate and dedicated people that love it. It was a great time and a wonderful experience, but my passion lies with TV, Film and Lifestyle Modeling. Best of luck to all my new pageant friends!

    Please enjoy my Photo Gallery and contact me if you would like to set up a photo shoot

  • Beauty Pageant
